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Beauty Advice From My Mom

Beauty Advice From My Mom

Published March 6, 2025 | Written by Melissa and Jenefer Palmer

In this personal and candid conversation, our mother and daughter founders, Jenefer and Melissa, sit down to talk about beauty at every age, the wisdom that comes with turning 70 and the skincare secrets they swear by.

Melissa: Who taught you about skincare and wellness?

Jenefer: My grandmother, Elsa. She was actually one of the first female chiropractors.

Melissa: What did she do?

Jenefer: My grandmother loved olive oil. She poured it all over her food and even washed her face with it, on occasion. To this day I love cooking and baking with extra virgin olive oil.

Melissa: What was your skincare routine like growing up?

Jenefer: What skincare routine?

Melissa: What’s the best beauty advice you got from your mother?

Jenefer: Never compare yourself to anyone. There is always someone more beautiful, attractive, intelligent, and someone less than you.”

Melissa: So true.

Melissa: What’s your current beauty vibe?

Jenefer: It’s always been a Joni Mitchell vibe. I prefer a natural look with minimal makeup, glowing skin, incredible creative talent and those fabulous cheekbones…

Melissa: What’s the first beauty product you owned and loved? How old were you and why did you love it?

Jenefer: In the late 60s, I was 14 years old and living in Switzerland. I was obsessed with the “Mod” look. When my dad bought me a paper dress from London’s Carnaby Street, I immediately bought glittery silver lipstick from Yardley to complete my look. I must confess that the lipstick lasted longer than the paper dress!

Melissa: At what age did you feel the best?

Jenefer: That’s a good question. I felt really great in my 40s & 50s, but after turning 70 I’ve never felt more confident in my own skin.


Melissa: You’ve always said beauty is more than skin deep. What’s your philosophy on aging well?

Jenefer: Inner youth is outer youthfulness. So many of these beauty experts have endless suggestions to achieve this outer perfection. The power of the mind is what can keep us young. We project from the inside!

Melissa: That really reminds me of a quote you love…

Jenefer: “It takes a long time to become young,” by Pablo Picasso.

Melissa: Yes! I love that. It makes more sense the older I get.

Melissa: You just turned 70, and I swear you’re more fit than ever. What’s your secret?

Jenefer: I love finding ways to integrate movement into my daily life as much as possible. Like pushups on the counter or swiveling your hips while brushing your teeth.

Melissa: I’ve definitely caught you in the kitchen cooking and balancing on one leg!

Jenefer: Working on good balance is a life long pursuit.

Melissa: You have a ballet bar at home. How often do you use it?

Jenefer: I try to do a quick stretch whenever I walk by it.

Melissa: You’ve turned wearing a bathrobe into a full-on self-care philosophy. What’s the magic behind it?

Jenefer: I call it Bathrobe Zen. People have asked me the secret of how to maintain a work-life balance. I can sum it up in two words: my bathrobe. Changing out of your street clothes into something you only wear in the house, shifts your perspective.

Melissa: I have to ask—how many bathrobes do you own at this point?

Jenefer: I actually have a bathrobe for every season.


Melissa: What’s your ultimate anti-aging secret?

Jenefer: Being an interesting, loving individual with a twinkle in your eyes. It takes 10 years off.

Melissa: So inspiring.

Melissa: Do you have a favorite beauty treatment splurge?

Jenefer: Yes. An OSEA facial at Rosewood Miramar.

Melissa: What’s your daily skincare routine?

Jenefer: My skincare philosophy is rooted in simplicity. In the morning, I start with Hyaluronic Sea Serum, then lock in moisture with Advanced Protection Cream and Essential Hydrating Oil. At night, I cleanse with Ocean Cleansing Milk and let Dream Night Serum and Dream Night Cream do the work while I sleep.

Melissa: What products do you use on your body?

Jenefer: My favorite thing is dry brushing. I even use two of our OSEA body brushes at once! I then love to apply Undaria Algae™ Body Oil.

Next-level exfoliation brush

For a full-body glow

Undaria Algae™ Body Oil
Editor's Pick

Melissa: How are you feeling about makeup these days?

Jenefer: Sometimes I like to wear lipstick. But most days it’s just our Hyaluronic Lip Booster. The plumping effect you get feels sexy.

Instant plump & shine oil

Hyaluronic Lip Booster

Melissa: We just launched our Dream Night Serum with Bio-Retinol. What do you love most about this product?

Jenefer: Everything. It visibly reduces fine lines and wrinkles, crow’s feet too, without the irritation of traditional retinols. When people try it they are amazed by how well it works, especially for deep wrinkles. I noticed real changes in my skin after one week!

Wrinkle smoothing serum

Dream Night Serum with Bio-Retinol

Melissa: Does it work for people my age?

Jenefer: Yes, it works well for all skin types and ages. Even if you don’t have deep wrinkles yet, you will see results.

Melissa: I love that so much! What makes it so powerful?

Jenefer: The algae-derived bio-retinol, two firming peptides, and of course, seaweed. Dream Night Serum mimics the effects of retinol, but it’s gentle enough to use every night.

Melissa: I’m obsessed with the subtle lavender scent. It’s so relaxing before bed.

Jenefer: Me too! It was actually a real challenge to create a clean, effective formula that smells this great without synthetic fragrance.

Dream Night Serum

Melissa: What’s your recipe for the best beauty rest?

Jenefer: My motto about sleeping: it’s free and you can do it by yourself. White bamboo sheets. Fresh air. Blinders and earplugs if needed. No phones, no computers.

Melissa: What’s a small morning ritual that makes a big difference for you?

Jenefer: Let your partner make you coffee. My husband Steve makes me coffee every morning, he’s the best barista.

Melissa: Any last words of wisdom or beauty advice?

Jenefer: Make someone smile. When you compliment someone and they smile, the beauty of that radiates back!